About Me…

Feel like learning a little bit more about me? Here are a few questions inspired by my childhood and can help to get to know me better. These go a little beyond the usual questions like favourite food and movie…(peanut butter and if I had to choose, a tie between League of Their Own and Truman Show).


What is your favourite word?


It may or may not be a real word, I have been told it is Yiddish??? But love it because it is such a simple but playful way to say “tweak”, “adjust”, "a little nudge", it really is helpful.

What is you earliest memory as a kid?


My earliest memory is trying to fill my inclined driveway with water to make a pool. I took all the towels in the house stuffed them in the bottom of the garage door and let hose rip. It never worked.

What is your spirit animal?


An animal that is loyal, independent, determined and understands how to work together efficiently to take down a problem/gazelle. Plus I love a good long nap in the sun.

If you could have any super power what would it be?


Have you seen the Sword and the Stone? Definitely shape shifter…the possibilities are ENDLESS!